혹시나 vExpert 에 관심이 있으신분이 있을 것 같아 남깁니다.

vExpert 2018 상반기에 대한 Application 이 12/18 (미국시간) 에 open 될 예정입니다.

vExpert Applications:

We are wrapping up our beta testing for our new vExpert web app and currently have the target date to open vExpert applications on Monday, December 18th. There are a few steps this year that I thought you should be aware of since we will be using a new platform and system for applications, voting and data management.

Right now, we are loading your vExpert data into our new application platform. Current vExperts (all of you) will receive an email once your data is loaded and you will need to reset your password. Please Note, applications will open on December 18th, the first email will be just for you to reset your password. We will send out another email once applications are ready to be submitted.

vExpert 로 선정이 되시면, 거의 모든 VMware 제품의 테스트용 라이센스를 받으실 수가 있습니다. 기타 짜잘한 혜택들도 있지만, 기본적으로는 명예직이라고 보시면 되겠습니다. 

저는 vExpert 이외에 vExpert vSAN 도 별도로 신청할 예정입니다.

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